What is LifeStream?
LifeStream is a 501(c)3 non-profit Massachusetts corporation with headquarters in New Bedford. It was founded in 1976 by parents of individuals with disabilities seeking community alternatives to institutional care for their family members. It currently serves a wide range of community members.
The organization operates throughout the Greater Fall River and New Bedford areas and employs over 500 people in 39 office and program locations.
Who does LifeStream serve?
- Disabilities programs serve individuals with developmental disabilities and individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) over the age of 22.
- The Adult Family Care program serves elderly adults and adults with disabilities who cannot live alone safely.
- The Employment & Training division serves individuals currently on public assistance. The division is also a private business school offering a variety of healthcare-related, fee-based training opportunities for all residents of Southeastern Massachusetts.
- The Applied Behavior Analysis Program serves children aged 2 to 20 years old who have a primary diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
How do I get referred into LifeStream programs and/or facilities?
- Determination of eligibility and referrals for service are made by the state or local contacting agency including:
Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services
Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance
- For inquiries regarding education and training opportunities, email Mark Worster (mworster@lifestreaminc.com) at Employment and Training or call 508-993-1991, ext. 3108.
- For inquiries about the Adult Family Care program, call (508) 674-1539, ext. 3106.
- For inquiries about our day Habilitation Services, email Den DeMarinis (dDeMarinis@lifestreaminc.com) or call 508-993-1991, ext. 2111
Is there a cost to using LifeStream programs and services?
Most services provided by LifeStream are funded through contracts held by the organization with a variety of state agencies. Individuals must be determined to be eligible for these services and referred by the appropriate state agency.
Any community member interested in First Aid/CPR, Certified Nurse’s Aide, and other specialized trainings may enroll in these programs through the Employment & Training division for an established fee. Click here to learn more.
What geographic area does LifeStream serve?
- LifeStream’s disabilities programs serve individuals living in the Greater Fall River and New Bedford areas.
- LifeStream’s Employment & Training programs serve individuals in the Greater New Bedford area.
How is LifeStream funded?
The majority of the organization’s revenue comes from contracts with state agencies including the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services, MassAbility, the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance, and the Massachusetts Department of Medical Assistance.
Where are LifeStream offices located?
LifeStream Corporate Office
13 Welby Road
Second Floor
New Bedford, MA 02745
Tel: 508-993-1991, ext. 0
LifeStream Day Support
213 Beacon Street
New Bedford MA 02746
Tel: 508-993-1991, ext. 4100
LifeStream Day Support Services
70 Mill Road
Acushnet MA 02743
Tel: 508-993-1991, ext. 4123
Community Based Day Supports & Supported Employment
13 Welby Road
First Floor
New Bedford, MA 02745
Tel: 508-993-1991, ext. 1026
Disabilities Division and Clinical Services
Cloverleaf Mills
1 Father DeValles Boulevard
Suite 311
Fall River, MA 02723
Tel: 508-993-1991, ext. 3109
Employment & Training
444 Myrtle Street
New Bedford, MA 02746
Tel: 508-993-1991, ext. 1039
How do I inquire about employment opportunities?
The Human Resources Department is located at 13 Welby Road in New Bedford.
View our open opportunities.